hurray! ducks! very pretty ducks! 💓 in this issue we get to meet the voluptuous tina, vivian, and sharon—all three beautiful and powerful venus/amazonian-type avian ladies living the life in the modern world.
it’s like melding of carl barks with r. crumb in the style of fritz the cat, but brian has a unique vision for these of these three lovable characters, which is in no way derivative of these influences. i really loved the first story that introduces us to tina and vivian, i think i have a crush on vivian, but i don’t know if i trust her little demon boyfriend.
despite the “adult only” warning, the content is rather tame, the eroticism is applied with a subtle touch, which i really admire. there is also a goofy eel character named “first christmas” (?) introduced in the second story who is really silly but very funny. the final story is a bit of spaghetti western pastiche, which was cute, but i wish there was a bit more character development like the earlier stories. these ladies are delightful, and i want to know more about them, especially sharon who don’t really get to meet because she is only discussed in 3rd person in the first stories and then as a character trope in the third, but she has this potent presence in her absence, and she dresses like a bad-ass. also, are tina and vivian bi? they are talking about boyfriends, but they have a really suggestive dynamic in their living together.
it’s mostly goofy and fun, but i think there is potential for the characters to really grow and blossom, if there was more than 24 pages.
i hope there is more to come. this is the adult comics style i really love that applies imaginal-experimentation with subtle eroticism. please give us more of these beautiful duck ladies!
see beautiful duck comics and more of brian mccay’s works:
twitter: @bamccray